
Short Documentary on Robert Irwin’s Portal Park Piece (slice)
When Carpenter Park reopens on May 3, Robert Irwin’s work will become a central figure. Parks for Downtown Dallas has produced a new 10-minute documentary tracking its rebirth.

Downtown Dallas has a glowing, $20 million new park with a landmark work of sculpture
As the construction of Hargreaves Jones’ Carpenter Plaza in downtown Dallas nears completion, architecture critic Mark Lamster writes a review highlighting the rebirth of the park and artist Robert Irwin’s ‘Portal Park Slice.’
Read more at The Dallas Morning News.

Plans for Park at Penn’s Landing Park Move Forward
Construction of a new waterfront park at Penn’s Landing on the Delaware River in Philadelphia is scheduled to begin later this year. The park will extend over I-95 and “cap” the interstate, generating an 11.5 acre park scheduled to open in 2026.

Mary Margaret Jones speaks at Downtown Dallas, Inc. annual meeting and the upcoming opening of Carpenter Park
Mary Margaret Jones spoke at the annual meeting on the role downtown parks can serve to revitalize the urban condition and how parks can be agents of change. Carpenter Park will play a vital role in the regeneration of Dallas’ eastern edge and serve as “the gateway to near East Dallas and Deep Ellum.” Carpenter Park is scheduled to open on May 3 and will be one of four priority parks in the downtown area of Dallas.
Read more at The Dallas Morning News

Coming soon: Carpenter Park in Downtown Dallas
Scheduled to open in late spring, Carpenter Park will form part of the 23-acres of a new urban park system proposed in the 2013 Dallas Downtown Parks and Open Space Master Plan, completed by Hargreaves Jones. The 5.6-acres of parkland is one of the four priority neighborhood parks and will serve a key role in the revitalization of downtown Dallas.
Read more at D Magazine

The First Americans Museum wins the 2021 Best of Best Projects Award.
ERN (Engineering New-Record) has recently announced that the First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City is the National Award Winner for 2021 Best of the Best Projects in the Government/Public Buildings category. This project, selected from over 800 regional submissions, was recognized for having a team that “represents the pinnacle of design and construction achievement.”

New convention district approved for downtown Dallas.
Plans to redevelop the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center in downtown Dallas with a new convention district, including a 2.5 million square foot building and a deck park over I-30 connecting with the Cedars neighborhood, have been approved by the Dallas City Council. Supporters hope this project will help revitalize this portion of the city and provide a more cohesive connection with the rest of downtown.

ASLA Interviews Mary Margaret Jones: The Transformative Impact of Landscape Architecture
“That is the beauty of landscape architecture. We are not just doing the science; it’s not just a matrix of solving problems. We also create places people will love. The result of that will be economic investment and stewardship. If we don’t make places people love, they won’t be taken care of.”

Latest Designs Unveiled for New Park at Penn’s Landing
The Park at Penn’s Landing has released a three-part video series about the history of the park’s design and public engagement process. Mary Margaret Jones is featured, highlighting the essential role of public engagement for the design process. Enjoy brand new renderings and an overview of each section of the park along with a run down of all the design details.

Mary Margaret Jones will be participating in the Closing Panel: ‘Pathways to Civic Engagement’ at the Courageous by Design Symposium on October 15th at 3:40pm EST.
“Organized and presented by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF), this daylong symposium will focus on New York City just as the city’s Department of City Planning (DCP) is actively engaging with communities throughout the five boroughs to advance their own zoning and land use strategies in an effort to “reduce flood risks and support the city’s vitality and resiliency through long-term adaptive planning.”
Read more about the symposium and the amazing group of speakers at